28차시 보통 얼마를 팁으로 주나요?
Key Expression
보통 얼마를 팁으로 주나요?
How much do you usually tip?
John Sumi John Sumi
John Sumi John Sumi | It seems like the bill is forty dollars. Oh, I'd like to cover this. Are you sure? Yes, it's my treat. May I just leave the 40 dollars here? Actually, we should leave a couple of dollars for tip. How much do you usually tip? About 15% will be fine, so six dollars. Alright. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| Did you enjoy your meal? (식사 맛있게 하셨어요?) Gratuity included. ((가격표에서) 팁은 이미 포함되었습니다.) |
You might say
| (잔돈은 가지세요.) Keep the change. (50달러 지폐를 잔돈으로 바꿔 주실래요?) Are you able to break a fifty dollar bill? |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
식당에서 신용카드로 계산할 때, 계산서에 tip을 적는 칸이 따로 있어요!
29차시 소리내서 먹는 것은 무례해요
Key Expression
소리내서 먹는 것은 무례해요.
It is impolite to slurp your food.
Sally Jiho Sally
Jiho Sally Jiho Sally | Are you enjoying your pasta? Yes, the sauce and noodles are very delicious. I'm sorry but I must let you know. It's impolite to slurp your food. Slurp? Yes, Making noises as you inhale the noodles. Oh, really? It's a little diffrent from Korean culture. I'll remember that when I visit you. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| It is impolite to make noises when you chew. (씹을 때 소리 내면 무례해요.) Don't eat with your mouth open. (입을 벌리고 먹으면 안됩니다.) |
You might say
| (잠시 실례해도 될까요?) Could you excuse me for a moment? (소금 좀 건네 줄래요?) Would you pass me the salt? |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
포크와 나이프 사용법
교차 - 식사줄일때
한방향 나란히 - 식사가 끝났을 때
30차시 눈을 마주치지 않는 것은 무례해요
Key Expression
눈을 마주치지 않는 것은 무례해요.
It is rude not to make eye contact.
Sumi Professor Sumi Professor
Sumi Professor Sumi Professor | Professor Wellington, I was wondering if I may ask for help. My office hours are from 12 to 5 on Wednesday. As you know, I am an exchange student, so I need extra help. Sure, but let me ask you, Why do you not make eye contact when you talk to me? Oh! I'm sorry! In Korea, it is rude to look into the eyes of an elder. I see. Did you know that in the states, It is rude not to make eye contact? I apologize! Not a problem. Now you know! |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| Hold the door for others. (다른 사람을 위해 문을 잡고 있어 주세요.) Smile when you make eye contact with a stranger. (모르는 사람과 눈이 마주치면 웃어 주세요.) |
You might say
| (히치하이킹은 위험하니 하지 마세요) Don't hitch! It could be dangerous. (아이가 귀엽하고 함부로 만지면 안돼요!) It's okay to look but don't touch the baby! |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
4 Golden words :
Please / Excuse me / I am sorry / Thank you
'language > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
여행초보 해외여행 영어회화 09 (0) | 2019.07.22 |
여행초보 해외여행 영어회화 08 (0) | 2019.07.22 |
여행초보 해외여행 영어회화 07 (0) | 2019.07.22 |
여행초보 해외여행 영어회화 06 (0) | 2019.07.22 |
여행초보 해외여행 영어회화 05 (0) | 2019.07.22 |