19차시 병원에 가고 싶어요
Key Expression
병원에 가고 싶어요.
I want to see a docter
Clerk Traveler Clerk Traveler
Clerk Traveler
Clerk | Front desk This is room 1305. I have a severe headache. I'm sorry. Do you need medicine? I already took some, but it's getting worse. I want to see a doctor. Could you recommend a good hospital? Yes, Mt. Augustine hospital is the best hospital in the area. Oh, thank you. Will you connect me to the hospital? Yes, I will do that right away. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| Would you like me to send you a first aid kit? (구급상자 보내드릴까요?) Is this a serious emergency? (위급한 상황인가요?) |
You might say
| (앰뷸런스 좀 불러주시겠어요?) Would you call on ambulance, please? (가장 가까운 병원이 어디인가요?) Where is the nearest hospital? |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
여행사 보험
I have a traveler's insurance.
Does it cover this treatment?
20차시 두통약 있나요?
Key Expression
두통약 있나요?
Do you have something for a headache?
Traveler Pharmacist Traveler Pharmacist Traveler Pharmacist Traveler Pharmacist Traveler | Do you have something for a headache? How bad is your headache? I've had a migraine all day. How about this one? How fast does it work? You should feel some relief in about an hour. How often should I take the pill? Take three times a day after each meal. Thank you very much. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| This medicine is pretty mild. (이 약은 꽤 순합니다.) You need a prescription from a doctor for this medicine. (이 약은 의사의 처방이 필요합니다.) |
You might say
| (처방전 없이 살 수 있나요?) Can I buy this without prescription? (이 약보다 좀 더 싼 것 있나요?) Do you have a cheeper version of this medicine? |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
미국과 영국의 가장 큰 약국 브랜드
미국 : Walgreens
영국 : Boots
Over the counter medicine
처방전 없이 살 수 있는 약을 뜻함.
21차시 배가 너무 아파요
Key Expression
배가 너무 아파요.
My stomach really hurts.
Doctor Traveler Doctor Traveler Doctor Traveler Doctor Traveler Docoter Traveler | What's the matter? My stomach really hurts. How long have you had the pain? It's been about a day. What did you eat yesterday? I had some raw oysters. Do you have any other symptoms? I feel like throwing up. Are you allergic to any medication? Not that I know of. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| I'm going to write you a prescription. (처방전 써 드리겠습니다.) I'll check your temperature. (체온 좀 잴게요.) |
You might say
| (발목을 삐었어요.) I sprained my ankle. (바로 여기가 아파요.) It hurts right here. |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
미국과 영국 응급실
미국 (ER) : 정말 위급한 상황이 아니라면 권장하지 않음 _911
영국 (A&E) : 무료였으나, 비EU 국민에게는 일정 금액 부과 시작 _999
Stay healthy!
'language > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
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