22차시 예약을 변경하고 싶어요
Key Expression
예약을 변경하고 싶어요.
I'd like to change my reservation
Staff Traveler Staff Traveler Staff Traveler Staff Traveler Staff Traveler | United Airlines. How can I help you? I'd like to change my reservation. Could you tell me your itinerary number? It's UA1136 How would you like to change it? I'd like to take the flight on Jan 14th at 6:30 pm. I'm sorry, but there are no seats available on that flight. Do you have any other evening flights that day? Yes, we have a seat available for the 9:30 pm flight. OK. I'll take it. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| I'll check to see if there's room. (자리가 있는지 확인해 볼게요.) 20 dollars will be charged extra. (20달러가 추가로 부과됩니다.) |
You might say
| (대기자 명단에 올려 주시겠어요?) Would you put me on the waiting list? (예약번호를 잊어버렸어요.) I forgot my reservation number. |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
항공사 자동응답기 대처방법
항공권 변경 "Change the ticket."
항공권 취소 "Cancle the ticket."
23차시 예약을 확인하고 싶어요
Key Expression
예약을 확인하고 싶어요.
I'd like to reconfirm my flight.
Traveler Staff Traveler
Traveler Staff
| I'd like to reconfirm my flight from New York to Korea. Would you tell me your flight number and your name? It's UA175 and my name is Sumi Lee. S-U-M-I L-E-E All right. You're scheduled to depart on Jan 14th at 9:30 pm. Is it correct? Yes, it is. Your ticket has been confirmed. Please arrive at the airport 3 hours before your flight departs. Thank you for using United Airlines. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| Is anybody else traveling with you? (일행 있으신가요?) How do you spell your name? (이름 철자가 어떻게 되시죠?) |
You might say
| (비행기표에 나온 이름 정정할 수 있나요?) Is it possible to correct my name on the ticket? (비행기티켓을 잃어버렸어요.) I lost my airplane ticket. |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
항공권 티켓의 이름 철자는 반드시 여권의 이름 철자와 같아야 합니다.
스펠링 확인 시,
EX) Jenna
J for job, e for eleplant, n for nose, n for nose, a for airplane.
24차시 이거 들고 들어가도 되나요?
Key Expression
이거 들고 들어가도 되나요?
Could I carry this?
Inspector Traveler Inspector
Traveler Inspector
Traveler | Take our all your personal belongings, please. Okay. Could I carry this? It's a water bottle. I'm afraid not. Do you have some coins in your pocket? If so, drop them in this tray. All right. I have some. Here you are. Thank you. Go through the gate, please. (Buzz) Come this way, please. Let me check your body. OK. Could you try again? All right. I hope it won't buzz this time. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| Did you pack this baggage for yourself? (이 짐을 스스로 싸신 겁니까?) Are you carrying anything for another person? (다른 사람 대신 들어주시는 게 있습니까?) |
You might say
| (짐을 수속하려면 어디로 가야 하나요?) Where should I go to check in my baggage? (창가/통로 자리로 주시겠어요?) Could I get a window / an aisle seat, please? |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
Has your bag been out of your sight?
(가방이 시야에서 사라진 적이 있나요?)
No, not at all!
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