4차시 여권 좀 볼 수 있을까요?
Key Expression
여권 좀 볼 수 있을까요?
May I see your passport, please?
Officer Traveler Officer Traveler Officer Traveler Officer Traveler | Hello. Hello. May I see your passport, please? Sure. Here you are. What's the purpose of your visit? I'm here for traveling. How long will you be staying? I'll be staying for 8 days. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| Have you ever been to the U.S. before? (전에 미국에 방문하신 적이 있나요?) How much do you have with you? (돈을 얼마나 가지고 계신가요?) |
You might say
| This is my first time to the U.S. (미국에 온 건 처음이에요.) I have about 600 dollars and 2 credit cards. (600달러 정도와 신용카드 2개가 있습니다.) |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
입국심사에서 원가 문제가 생겼을 때
Could I have a translator, please?
5차시 제 가방이 파손 됐어요
Key Expression
제 가방이 파손됐어요.
My baggage was damaged.
Traveler Airport worker Traveler
Airport worker
Traveler Airport worker Traveler | Excuse me. How can I help you? My baggage was damaged. Where can I complain about this? I'm sorry to hear that. Go to the baggage claim office and thy will help you. Could you tell me where it is? It's over here. Thank you. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| Do you have your baggage claim tag? (수화물 인수증 갖고 있으신가요?) May I have your airline and flight number? (항공사와 항공기 번호 좀 알 수 있을까요?) |
You might say
| Where is the baggage claim area? (수화물 찾는 곳이 어딘가요?) Excuse me but I think this is my bag. (실례지만, 이건 제 가방 같은데요.) |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
가방이 아직 나오지 않았을 때
"My luggage hasn't come out yet."
6차시 가방 좀 열어봐 주실래요?
Key Expression
가방 좀 열어봐 주실래요?
Would you open your bag, please?
Officer Traveler Officer Traveler Officer Traveler Officer Traveler | Your passport and declaration form, please. Here you are, Do you have anything to declare? No, nothing. What's in this bag? My clothes and personal belongings. Would you open your bag? Sure, no problem. |
What you might hear or say
You might hear
| You're not allowed to bring this. (이건 가지고 들어올 수 없습니다.) You have to pay a duty for this. (이것에 대해선 세금을 내셔야 합니다.) |
You might say
| I'm sorry, I didn't know that. (죄송합니다. 그런 줄 몰랐어요.) I lost the declaration form. Can I fill it out again? (세관신고서를 잃어버렸는데, 다시 작성해도 될까요?) |
Useful Tips! : What should I do?
반입허용음식 : 반찬류(김치, 김 등), 소스류(고추장, 된장 등)
반입금지음식 : 육류 가공식품(장조림, 소세지 등), 농산물(과일, 씨앗 등)
A : What's this?
B : This is Korean traditional sauce, Gochujang.
'language > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
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